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Final Piece Sound

Above is my final piece I created three portraits of musicians: Gerard Way, Lizzo, and Ozzy Osbourne. I stuck to the rules I was given from what the number generator picked I found the challenge really enjoyable I would have never created something like this, especially with the colour palette. This challenge is something I will definitely do in the future to make myself work outside of the box. 


Overall I am really happy with my work. The only portrait I'm not too happy with is my first one of Gerard Way I messed up a little on one feature which changed the look of the whole portrait. I tried to make each one have a main colour for the portrait so that they were all different and not identical in colour choices even though I have five colours to play with. Each portrait is on coloured paper one green, blue and pink.


To create the portraits I built up swirls and curves to make tone and shading. I adore the hair on the second portrait it adds to it and comes off like musical notes.


Throughout each portrait is song titles from their work hidden in to find some are obvious and others not so much.

Showing the process

I took these photos to show the process and the build-up it takes to capture the tone and shading in order to make a whole portrait this way. 

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